
How To Get Dog To Stop Peeing In House

Urine marking may be one of the most frustrating problems for pet parents. Unlike simple accidents, which may indicate a need for some further training or more frequent potty breaks, urine marking is a territorial behavior. It can be more than a little baffling when a completely potty trained pooch is still peeing on things in the house.

Many dogs like to advertise that a certain object or place is theirs. However, the doggie way to proclaim ownership involves scent, specifically urine.

Thankfully, there are things you can do to change your dog's habits. But before you take steps to deal with your dog's urine marking, you should check with your vet to rule out any possible medical causes for the behavior. Conditions like bladder or urinary tract infections can cause a dog to urinate frequently and need to be treated promptly.

Once you've ruled out medical causes, you can take at-home measures to finally curb your dog's urine marking.

Why Is My Dog Marking in the House?

Dogs are not spiteful or vindictive, so urine marking is never a sign that they are trying to "get back at you" for something. Instead, it's usually brought on by something that they perceive to be a threat to their territory. Here are some of the most common reasons for urine marking:

  1. Not being spayed or neutered. Although it occurs much more frequently in males, some females will also mark their territory, especially if they are "unaltered." At times, even spayed or neutered dogs will urine mark in response to an intact animal in the home.
  2. Unfamiliar objects in the house. New (or new to you) furniture, carpeting, or even a guest's jacket or purse may trigger the need to mark — especially if they carry the scent of another animal.
  3. New people in the house. A new roommate, significant other, or baby may trigger urine marking. Putting his scent on things that belong to them is a dog's way of reminding them that the house is his.
  4. Establishing dominance. If he's in conflict with another dog, or even a cat, your dog may be having trouble establishing his place in the pack. He might begin marking his territory as a way to gain the upper paw.
  5. Contact with unfamiliar animals. Hanging out at the dog park, encountering other dogs on walks, or even seeing other animals through the window can cause some dogs to mark their own territory.
  6. Anxiety. In some cases, new objects or people in the home, furniture, luggage, or conflict with other animals or people could cause anxiety that leads to urine marking.

Now that we know why dogs often urine mark in the house, we'll get into the good stuff — how to make it stop!

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12 Steps to Stop Your Dog from Marking in the House

Depending on the reason for your dog peeing in the house, one or more of these approaches may be the right one for you. With patience and persistence, you can stop your dog from marking inside.

Get the free urine marking ebook today!

  1. Spay or neuter your dog. This will reduce or eliminate urine marking in many dogs. As many as 50-60% of male dogs stop urine marking, or at least do it significantly less often, after being neutered. If your male dog is peeing in the house even after he's altered, there could be other behavioral or physical issues that need to be addressed.
  2. Talk to a Certified Veterinary Behaviorist about how to resolve dominance issues between pets. Dogs marking in the house is often about territory, so there may be some hidden (or obvious) signs that your dog is feeling the need to compete. You can find a Veterinary Behaviorist here.
  3. Clean areas that have been marked with an enzymatic cleaner meant for removing pet stains and odors. If your dog is marking on your floors, whether carpet or hard surfaces, you'll need a product, like this one. Rocco & Roxie's enzymatic cleaner is professional Rocco and Roxie's enzyme cleaner will help eliminate the smell from your dog's urine marking. strength but certified safe.Angry Orange Odor EliminatorSo it's safe to use around children and pets! It works hard to eliminate stains and reduce or eliminate urine odor. However, if you still need an odorizer, the Angry Orange Odor Eliminator is an Amazon top seller and it effectively removes any lingering scent you or your dog may still smell. This is really important if you want to prevent remarking.

Adaptil diffuser can helps with your dog's urine marking.

4. Try a synthetic hormone diffuser. These have a calming effect on some dogs and can reduce the urge to mark. I love this one from Adaptil! It comes with the diffuser and a 30-day supply.

5. If your dog's marking is caused by anxiety, check out our pet anxiety resource page, and be sure talk to your vet about ways to treat it.

6. Limit your dog's ability to see animals outside. If you can't block access to windows or doors that allow him to view other animals passing by, you may be able to discourage them from approaching your house.

7. Keep your dog away from areas where he has marked before.

8. Change the meaning of the place where he tends to mark. Leave treats around and feed and play with your dog in the area he marks — he's less likely to continue marking there.

9. If his marking is in response to a new person in the house, have that person make friends by feeding and playing with your dog. If the new arrival is a baby, give your dog lots of treats, toys, and attention when the baby is around.

10. Establish yourself as the pack leader. One way to do this is to teach your dog basic commands such as "sit" or "lie down" and then have him obey one of these commands before he's fed or taken for a walk.

11. Move objects he has marked so that they are out of reach, and keep guests' belongings and new purchases safely stashed away.

12. If your dog's marking is caused by anxiety, check out our pet anxiety resource page, and be sure talk to your vet about ways to treat it.

What Can I Spray to Keep My Dog from Peeing in the House?

I get this question a lot! The short answer is, there's no real "peeing deterrent." Products labeled as such are typically enzymatic cleaners, like Rocco & Roxie's. The best way to deter your pet from peeing is to properly clean any area that's been peed on.

Enzyme cleaners eat the bacteria that causes the odor, which means your pet is less likely to revisit the same spot and repeat the offense.

What Not to Do When Your Dog Pees in the House

If your dog is peeing in the house, never punish him for it, even if you discover it after only a short time. He won't make the connection between his actions and your disapproval, which could lead to confusion or fear. However, if you catch him in the act, it's okay to take actions (such as loud clapping) to discourage him from continuing.

It is possible to stop your dog from urine marking in the house! Fetch your free copy of my complete guide: Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Your Dog Peeing in the House today.

Get the free urine marking ebook today!

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How To Get Dog To Stop Peeing In House


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